As i grow up, i’ve been aware of how chaotic our world is. So many killings, cruelty and difficulties in achieving a care-free, peaceful and happy living. And as they say, youth is the hope of our fatherland. Os, i won’t prohibit this matter to happenagain in the future, for i don’t want more peope to suffer from what i’ve suffered. Political killings, monarchies and corruption wars and environmental problems and sucking poverty. So scary.
But as they say, everyhing starts with us, with ourselves. Though it requires a process, first, we must have a will to believe and make each of each come true and take every oppurtunuty that we encounter, for once an opputunity knocks on your door, grab it, or else it will never be back.
Wiht this traits, as a student, we caan start to change every single thing that we would like.