Monday, February 1, 2010


“It is not life that matters, but the Journey.”

In every step that we take to the way of triumph, it always takes us a lot of effort, sacrifices, and focus to reach every goal that we aspire.

Another grading period has again ended and likewise, another grading period have began. And in each chapter in our life that have happened, we gained and lost something. During this grading, I learned things that I’ve never know before like making a FrontPage layout, constructing html codes, web designing, momentum, algebraic expressions and others. We have also lots of projects, activities, assignments and quizzes to do. And this gives me knowledge that I may apply in my future. But due to lack of time, we just had our lessons rushed. But then, we were able to manage everything and had our periodic exam just the same. This grading also prepared us to face another grading which is the fourth grading, which is indeed the last and the most crucial part of our fourth year life.

We must always do our bests, so that at the end of the day, you won’t have any regrets for yourself.

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